Drinking water in Aruba

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Water- en Energiebedrijf Aruba N.V.

Aruba’s journey from using a primitive drinking water supply system, to operating a sophisticated water production and distribution facility.

...affordable and reliable access to the world-class, quality water...

Effectively guaranteeing its population affordable and reliable access to the world-class, quality water they have grown used to.

Aruba's Renewable Energy Dashboard

wind icon bio gas icon wind icon
0.00 MW
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0.00 MW
fossil fuels icon
Fossil Fuels
0.00 MW
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Total power
0.00 MW

Top FAQ's

Can I view my bill online?

Yes! Using our online portal "WEB Care" you can view your current water bill on your mobile phone, your
computer or other device. You can view your water consumption history and payments received at WEB also. Furthermore, if you register in WEB Care, you will receive a monthly e-mail notification when your water bill is ready.

Would you like to use WEB Care? Click here and follow the instructions to register.

How can I apply for a new water meter?

Click here for all you need to apply for a new water connection. To be applicable for a new water meter
connection, it is required to have a niche at the border of the relevant property. It can be part of the fence ofthe property or it can stand alone. WEB will determine the location where the niche has to be built and will indicate this on the site map provided by the client, when requesting a new water meter connection. The niche must be built in accordance to WEB’s specifications. The site map indicating the location of the niche, will be available within 10 days after the request for the connection has been made. At this time, we will also let you know how long it will take to install the connection, once you have confirmed that the niche is ready. It is important to inform WEB when the niche is ready. You can do so by sending a mail
to nis@webaruba.com. A map with the required specifications to build the niche is available at the counters of WEB Aruba or can be downloaded here.

I don’t have water, what happened?

If you don’t have water there is a possibility that your water has been disconnected due to unpaid water bills. Please check if you have any unpaid water bills. Click here to know how to have your water reconnected. Always take notice of the due date on each water bill, to avoid the inconvenience of water disconnection. If you don’t have unpaid bills, there is also a possibility that WEB is doing maintenance work in your area. Stay updated of maintenance notifications through WEB Aruba’s Facebook Page.

How can I apply for a second water meter on my property?

Are you requesting a second water meter on a property?
A second meter can be requested for an apartment, trailer (not on wheels), a house divided in two or more sections or a house made of wood in good condition. Please come to WEB to fill out a request form at our Customer Service counter. Within 1 week WEB will visit the property to evaluate the building for which the second meter is being requested. WEB will call to inform you of the results. If the request is approved you must bring to the WEB counter:

  • Valid Identification

  • Awg 130,- for:

    • Security deposit Awg. 80,-

    • Connection Awg. 50,-

How long will it take for me to get my new water connection?

The waiting time for a new water meter depends on the situation at the property. Each situation is
unique. For information on how long it takes to get a new water meter connected click here. For information on how long it takes to get an existing water meter reconnected click here.



Our History

The desalination history of Aruba started more than a hundred years ago with the production of process water around 1903 at the Gold Mining Company (1899-1916).

Even at that early stage, it was obvious that the groundwater and rainwater reserves were insufficient for the physiochemical gold extraction process. The decision was made to desalinate seawater from the nearby Spanish lagoon. 

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