Our Water Quality

Aruba’s drinking water has long been regarded as being among the finest in the world, even among the ranks of well-known bottled brands

Our tap water is a purified product that has been treated in a modern re-mineralization process to absorb important minerals like calcium. This gives the water its delicious taste. Tap water in Aruba is safe to drink, has no risk for human health and does not need further treatment.​

Our Water Quality

WEB Aruba has very stringent procedures to meet quality requirements for drinking water. Our water is chemically tested on a daily basis. In order to meet the WHO guidelines, water analyses are performed at strategic sites around the island at monthly intervals.

Several process values are automatically and continuously checked by the facilities themselves and by operational staff. Our water complies with the WHO guidelines in every way. Our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory controls parameters such as pH, conductivity, hardness among others, as can be seen in the table more below.

Our drinking water is also subject to a monthly revision process by the Aruba National Laboratory (Landslaboratorium Aruba) at strategic sites around the island. These periodic reviews should show no bacterial contaminants, to assure a high level of water purity. Additionally, the U.S. National Testing Laboratories Ltd. performs an extensive audit of the water production and distribution system of WEB Aruba annually, testing on 159 parameters.

Microorganisms and Bacteria

Despite our stringent procedures to meet quality requirements for drinking water, all kinds of microorganisms and bacteria can enter our water distribution network. Therefore, WEB has a structural maintenance plan to always keep its network safe. WEB, however, can only oversee its own water distribution network. We need your cooperation in maintaining a high-water quality. This entails usage of the right water pipe material, but also by reducing the risk of contamination. 

How can you reduce the risk of drinking water contamination? Are you a homeowner or a drinking water installation owner? Click on the applicable item below to learn how.

Drinking Water Average at WEB Aruba in accordance with the WHO-standards for drinking water

Physical & Chemical properties Expressed as Units *WEB guidelines value: WHO guidelines value:(2004)
Odor & Taste     Satisfactory Not offensive for most consumers
Color     Clear -
Temperature   Degree C 32-40 -
Turbidity   NTU 1.0(max) 5, preferably <1.0 for disinfection efficiency
pH   Units 8.5-9.5 6.5-9.5
Conductivity   uS/cm <150 -
Total Dissolved Solids   Ppm <75 1000
Chloride as Cl Ppm <50 250(sodium:200ppm)
Hardness as CaCO3 Ppm <20 500
Calcium as CaCO3 Ppm 3-10 -
Total M. Alkalinity as CaCO3 Ppm <50 -
Total Phosphate as PO4 Ppm 0.5-1.5 -
Zinc as Zn Ppm 0.05-1.0 5.0
Total Iron as Fe Ppm

Max 0.3 (WEB prefer 0.1)

Total Copper as Cu Ppm Max 1.0  2.0
Total Aluminium as Al Ppm Max 0.2 0.2
Lead as Pb Ppm Max 0.01 0.01
Boron as B Ppm Max 0.5 0.5 a
Microbiological aspect:
Total bacterial plate count cfu per 10ml <50 no action 5000
50-100 confirm -
101-200 investigation of source: within 72 hours -
>200 after confirmation disinfection of system -
Detection of fecal coliform organism means immediately action


*: WEB guidelines are established according to historical data and based on the water treatment process. A complete analysis (inorganic, organic, and radioactive) of our drinking water is performed by the U.S. National Testing Laboratories Ltd and the results are within the maximum concentration levels (MCL).
a :Concentrations vary widely and depend on the surrounding geology and wastewater discharges; for most of the world, the concentration of boron in drinking water is judged to be below 0.5 mg/l.(WHO 2004 and 2011).


WEB Aruba: High-Quality Water

See how WEB produces world-class drinking water every day.

Drinking water table